Cam aşa sunt eu acum.
Orice aş scrie e prea mult. Prea... extravertit, prea orice. Am auzit atât de multe "prea"-uri încât m-am plictisit. Mi s-a luat. Am o grămadă de gânduri în cap... cugetări, realizări, glume sau simple idei... dar nu am chef să le scriu fiindcă sunt pur şi simplu "prea" (inocente, stupide sau poate elevate, existenţiale... mda).
Am luat-o pe urmele verii trecute de-a binelea. Devin numb, am nevoie de spaţiu numai pentru mine, mă uit la Grey's Anatomy în prostie, mănânc toate porcăriile, dorm cât se poate, n-am chef de lume, nu am chef de socializare şi mă simt foarte bine în pielea mea.
Cred că totuşi am să notez câteva gânduri din Grey's Anatomy... ce mai zice Meredith şi reţin:
"There's a time for everything. And that time have come now. Time to stand up, time to grow up, time to let go."
"The reality is that pain is there to tell us something, it hurts for a reason."
"Maybe some fantasies are only supposed to live in our dreams."
"Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right."
"To make it, really make it as a surgeon it takes commitment."
"There are times when even the best of us have troubles with commitment."
"Commitments are complicated."
"We may surprise ourselves by the commitment we're willing to take. True commitment takes effort and sacrifice which is why sometimes we have to learn to chose our commitment very carefully."
"The truth is that you have to find the real source of the injury. And once you found it, try like hell to heal the suffer."
"In some ways betrayal is inevitable. When our bodies betray us, surgery offers the key to recovery. When we betray each other, the path to recovery is less clear. You do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust that was lost. And then there are some ones, some betrayals that are so deep that there's no way to repay what was lost and when that happens there's nothing left to do... but wait."
4 comentarii:
de ce nu'ti iei o vacanta?
Asta fac :D.
Eu ma uit la Mesaje de dincolo si 2 barbati si jumatate, mananc covrigei si multe bomboane de ciocolata si mere ... citesc si lenevesc la umbra pe balcon.
Evit cat se poate de mult sa ies in oras invocand scuze penibile, dar credibile pentru ca pur si simplu nu am chef ...
Vreau sa stau singura si sa ma simt bine cu mine <3
Eu doar Grey's Anatomy gust... Nu am chef de nimic altceva... mananc porumb fiert si beau apa de izvor. Resping orice apel sau chemare... singurele pe care nu prea le pot respinge sunt acelea care vin din partea alormei. Dar toata ziua sunt decat eu cu mine, hibernand in lumea mea :)
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