But that's fake sometimes, or at least I hope it is... because I have my life controlled my the sound of my future, and I know that my future is bright (not Orange:)) ), and nothing I have now is supposed to live in it. So screw that.
"Look. Alone people don't like to hear about the together people. Okay. Even if the alone people are alone by choice. It's just sort of mean. It's sort of like bringing a 6-pack to an AA meeting."
"It seems we have no control what so ever over our own hearts. Condition can change without warning. Romance can make the heart pound just like panic can. And panic can make it stop cold in your chest. It's no wonder doctors spend so much time to keep the heart stable, to keep it slow, steady, regular to stop the heart from pounding out of your chest from the dread of something terrible or the anticipation or something else entirely. "
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Salut www.SpuneNuDrogurilor.com este o echipa recent formata, nonprofit, care si-a propus sa lupte pentru constientizarea opiniei publice, a tinerilor debusolati de societatea în care traim despre tot ceea ce înseamna consum de droguri într-un fel sau altul.
Daca prin actiunea ta, salvezi o singura viata de la decadere, considera ca ti-ai atins scopul, alaturi de noi toti ceilalti.
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Imi pare rau insa linkul este invalid. Am incercat sa intru.
ok... :( that;s not a song... i tried looking at it from many pesrspectives... not a song
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