miercuri, martie 10, 2010

Thanksgiving day. Yay.

Pfff... e deja 10. Nici nu îmi vine să cred. M-a luat pe nepregătite! Luna asta am fost atât de inactivă social încât nici nu prea ştiu ce să spun. Sunt inaptă. Totuşi, uneori, din partea celor dragi... şi liniştea este sfântă! (era o vorbă... "Nu opri niciodată o femeie când tace!" :)) ). No humor huh? Mda.
Well... Ce să fac eu special acum? Păi... judecând lucrurile după ce s-a întâmplat din 10 februarie până azi (10 martie) şi după multitudinea de flori şi cadouri primite pe 14, 24 februarie şi mai departe 1 şi 8 martie :))... n-am decât ft puţine mulţumiri de oferit!
Neaaahhh... I was kiddin'. I love u all... chiar dacă nici măcar intenţii nu aţi avut. Mda :)).
Aşadar... nu ştiu ce aş putea face prea creativ. Sunt în pană de idei.

Deci acum fac altfel... încep cu sărbătoriţii:

1. Februarie: Florina, Alexandra, Mihaela, Anca, Alless, Cami, Maria,
2. Martie (so far): Octavia, Ana, Edi, Mana

To be continued next month.
Şi mai departe... special thanks for support and crap:

Adina - who gets on my nerves all the time with her cuteness. She's cute. Yup. Isn't that the cutest thing ever?? Balls.

Ana - who has just turned 18 and feel naive. Well... you are, but keep ur pants on young lady. Happy birthday to u... and ur mom:)). You're cute as well... when you're not turning into a selfish biatch. I hate you then. But mostly I adore you for picking me up in the morning. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have gone to school every single day. Wait. I was absent for.. like... a week and somethin :-". Nvm.

Mike - well... I put you here because you suck. Badly. And because you are some sort of my mother. Ya, I know. I annoyed you. Cool, huh? And I didn't even do your mom. Firstly cuz It's my mom as well, and secondly cuz I'm a girl, god damnit. But, despite that, I adore you guy. Enough with the sentimental stuff. Please, please subscribe on my youtube channel here *hidden commercial.

- RMALFO... do you remember those times? :)) I was like... 15 or something. And you hated me back then. Same shit now. Never let me down :)).

Sana - who actually didn't get mad for the fact that I have ignored her in a while. Well girl, you know I was very tired and into that shit. But I am almost done and looking forward to seeing you. You're like a missing piece from my puzzle :(.

Silviutza - here comes a special one. Well this cute lil' girl... (who actually seem taller than me) is special, and she calls me "mom". Isn't that cute? She's like... my baby :)). Always a pleasure to hear your voice, girl! Sorry for not giving you any signs recently. Same thing. But... as you are turning 15 the next week... I'mma come and see ya'. And thanks for feeding my dog as well :)).

- dude, I don't know what you are doing here [:-"], but thanks for letting me verbally rape your ass =)). Nothing personal. And by the way... you earned your place here for reading each and every post from my blog... and you even enjoy this crap. It's like... dude! Nobody reads and enjoys the shit I post. So thanks. It motivates me to write even more crap :>.

-crapy picture. Dude, making faces? I almost look like Adina here =)). Kiddin.

So, coming back to my thing. What was it? Idk. Forgot. Whateva' :-??. Was it some sort of a bullshit? Probably. Neaah :-j. Sentimental crap. Well... it's 10th March 2010, 00:35 and I am sleepy. I must go to school tomorrow. And I should take a test paper (pest taper) in geography I suppose. Not sure :)). Whateva' (again).
So, there are to be mentioned (sorry guys, no descriptions, photos, bullshit... I'm tired and it's late and you should try harder next month. So I can find something so say about you that would annoy you as well as for the others): Andy, Bubu, Diana, Flory, Florina, Gabi, Heliana, Iulia, Laura, Mări, Mircea, Ovidiu, Ray William Johnson :)), Radu, Roxi.

5 comentarii:

Adi spunea...

Your friend Adina has really cute eyes =^.^=

Grațiela spunea...

Asa este! ;;)

Ana spunea...

Well,multumesc pt ca sunt in topul tau in fiecare luna si ca inca nu te'am plictisit:))

PS: hate you pt ca nu ai venit de ziua mea...si nu exista nicio scuza pt asta :p

Grațiela spunea...

Well... there actually is an excuse, and it's pretty good: Nu m-ai invitat :-" Shame on you!! Eram racita :P

Ana Luiza spunea...

E taller, nu higher:D la Silviutza

Acasă e acolo unde există calitate și confort!

 În fiecare noapte mă trezesc de cel puțin 4-5 ori pentru a-mi hrăni micuțul de doar două luni... ... Așa că timp de 10 minute, din două în ...